Internet Practice Set-1

For Hindi Medium
See answers below
iz'u ,oa mRrj fgUnh Hkk"kk
tc ,d osc lkbV fodflr fd;k tkrk gSa] rks fofHkUu baVj fyaDM Qkbyksa dks ,d lkFk j[kk tkrk gS bls dkSu lh lqfo/kk djds izkIr fd;k tkrk gSA
¼v½ gkbij VsDlV       ¼c½ gkbij fyaDl
¼l½ usVodZ            ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha     
baVjusV esa MCyw MCyw MCyw ds lf{kIr :Ik dk eryc gSA
¼v½ oYMZ okbM osc     ¼c½ okbM okbM osc
¼l½ oYMZ foM~Fk osc    ¼n½ oYMZ foFk osc          
-------- rsth ls c<+us okys ,d baVjusV ,fIyds’ku gSA
¼v½ bZ&esy           ¼c½ 'kkWfiax
¼l½ bUosfLVax         ¼n½ okf.kT;              
-------- dEI;wVj dh ,d ubZ Hkk"kk] ftlls oYMZ okbZM oSc ds fy, ,sfues’ku vkSj xsEl [ksyrs gSA
¼v½ tkok            ¼c½ lh
¼l½ lh + +         ¼n½ ,pVh,e,y            
-------- esa esfyax lwfp;ka lekpkj] lewg vkSj pSV lewg lfEefyr jgrs gSA
¼v½ ppkZ ds lewg    ¼c½ baVjusV lewg
¼l½ vkbZ-ih-ds lewg  ¼n½ buesa ls lHkh           
buesa ls dkSulk lpZ baftu gSA
¼v½ xwxy           ¼c½ vYVk foLVk
¼l½ ;kgw            ¼n½ ;s lHkh                
Mk;jsDVªh lpZ dks baMsDl lpZ Hkh dgk tkrk gSA
¼v½ lgha            ¼c½ xyr                 
vkbZ-vkj-lh- esa vkj dk eryc gSaA
¼v½ fj;y           ¼c½ fjys
¼l½ fjdkWMZ          ¼n½ jSUMse                
,siysV~l ,sls fo’ks"k izksxzkEl gS] ftudks ------Hkk"kk esa fy[kk x;k gSA
¼v½ tkok           ¼c½ ,pVh,e,y
¼l½ ,pVhVhih       ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha     
bZ&esy esa fuEufyf[kr lHkh cqfu;knh va’k gksrs gSaA
¼v½ gsMj            ¼c½ QqVj
¼l½ esflt          ¼n½ gLrk{kj               
baLVsaV esflftax vkidks-------- djus nsrk gSA
¼v½ bZ&esy esfltst Hkstuk          
¼c½ MsVk dks ckaVuk
¼l½ vkids esfltst dk rqjUr tokc nsrh gSaA
¼n½ okLrfod thou esa gksus ds tSls cgqr lkjks ds ,d lkFk ckrphr djus esa lapkj djuk               
tc vki ,d Vksfid ds fy, ------- dk iz;ksx djrs gSa] rks mlds }kjk [kksth xbZ lwpuk ,d MsVkcsl ds tSls <¡kpsa esa laxfBr gks tkrh gSA
¼v½ lpZ baftu       ¼c½ bUMsDl
¼l½ LikbMj         ¼n½ ,sIysV                    
.gov, .edu,.mil, vkSj .net ds bDlVsU’kuksa dks ----- dgk tkrk gSA
¼v½ Mh,u,l        ¼c½ bZ&esy dh fu’kkfu;k¡
¼l½ Mksesu ds dksM~l ¼n½ irkvksa dks esy djuk       
osc LikbMjksa dks lpZ baftUl Hkh dgk tkrk gSA
¼v½ lgha            ¼c½ xyr                   
B2c, C2c, vkSj B2B,   ----- ds izdkj gSA
¼v½ bZ&esy         ¼c½ bZ&dkWelZ
¼l½ bZ dS’k         ¼n½ buesa ls lHkh             
fdlh osc lkbV dks usfoxsV djus ds fy, ;wtj dks ---- esa izos’k djuk gksrk gSA
¼v½ ;wvkj,y        ¼c½ MCyw MCyw MCyw
¼l½ ihihih         ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha         
osc edfM;ka vkSj dkWylZ ds mnkgj.k gSA
¼v½ czkmtlZ             ¼c½ lpZ baftUl
¼l½ ,pVh,e,y izksxzke    ¼n½ QysEl              
dkWe------- izdkj dh O;oLFkk osc lkbV dks lwfpr djrk gSA
¼v½ okf.kT;        ¼c½ tfVy
¼l½ dEiuh         ¼n½ QkxksZa                    
vkbZ-,l-ih- dk eryc gSA
¼v½ baVuZy lfoZl Iyku  ¼c½ baVjusV lfoZl Iyku
¼l½ bafVxzy lfoZl Iyku ¼n½ bUVjusV lfoZl izksokbMj
---- izksxzke gSa] tks oSc fjlkslZsl ds fy, izos’k ekxZ iznku djrs gSA
¼v½ czkmtlZ        ¼c½ lpZ baftUl
¼l½ izksxzkEl        ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha         
fo'o Hkj esa dkSulk osc lpZ baftUl iz;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gSA
¼v½ MksesUl         ¼c½ xwxy
¼l½ VkWxy      ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha         
baVjusV ij fdlh fof’k"V fo"k; ij ppkZ dks --- dgk tkrk gSA
¼v½ lekpkj        ¼c½ lekpkj lewg
¼l½ osjksfudk       ¼n½ Vsy~usV~               
;wvkj,y dk iw.kZ :Ik gSA
¼v½ ;wfuolZy fjlkslZ yksdsVj  ¼c½ ;wfuQkeZ fjlkslZ yksdsVj
¼l½ ;wfu fjlkslZ yksdsVj      ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha   
----- ,sls fo’ks"k izksxzke gS ftudks tkok esa fy[kk x;k gSA
¼v½ izkstsDVl       ¼c½ ,siysV~l
¼l½ tkok izksxzkEl   ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha          
,Q Vh ih dk eryc gSA
¼v½ QhYM VªkalQj izkstsDV  ¼c½ Qkby VªkalQj izkstsDV
¼l½ Qkby VªkalQj izksVksdkWy ¼n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha    

For English Medium
Question & Answer In English Language
When a web site is developed the various interlinked files are grouped together. This is achieved using which facility.
(a)     Hypertext                  (b) Hyperlinks
          (c)  Netwoprk                   (d)  None of these                           
What does the abbreviation WWW in internet stands for :
(a)     World wide web       (b) Wide wide web
          (c)  World width web       (d)  Word with web                        
------ is one of the fastest growing internet application.
(a)     E-mail                       (b) Shopping
         (c)  Investing                    (d)  Commerce                              
------ is the new computer language used to write animation and games for the world wide web.
(a)     JAVA                       (b) C
          (c)  C++                           (d)  HTML                                     
------  include mailing lists news groups and chat groups.
(a)     Dicussion Groups     (b) Internet Groups
          (c)  IP Groups                  (d)  All of these                             
Which of the following is a search engine.
(a)     Google                     (b) Alta Vista
         (c)  Yahoo                      (d)  All of these                              
Diectory search is also known as index search.
(a)     TRUE                     (b) FALSE                                      
In IRC, R stands for :
(a)     Real                        (b) Relay
        (c)  Record                     (d)  Rendom                                  
Applets are the special programs written in ----language.
(a)     java                         (b) HTML
          (c)  HTTP                      (d)  None of these                          
E-mail includes all of the following basic elements except.
(a)     Header                     (b) footer
          (c)  Message                    (d)  Signature                              
Instant messaging allows you
(a)     Send E-mail messages 
(b) Sharing the data
          (c)   Instant reply of your messages
(d)  To communicate with many at once in a conversation that occurs in real time                                                                   
When you use a (n) ---- to search for a topic the information you search through is organized into a data base like structure.
(a)     Search Engine          (b) Index
          (c)  Spider                       (d)  Applet                                  
The extensions .gov, .edu, .mil, and .net are called.
(a)   DNSs                        (b) E-mail targets
          (c)  Domain Codes          (d)  Mail to addresses                  
Web spider are also known as search engines.
(a)     TRUE                     (b) FALSE                                    
B2c, C2c, and B2B, are types of -------
(a)      E-mail                     (b) E-commerce
          (c)  E-cash                       (d)  All of these                          
For navigating any website user has to enter.
(a)     URL                         (b) WWW
          (c)  PPP                           (d)  None of these                       
Web spiders and crawelers are examples of
(a)     Browsers                  (b) Search Engines
          (c)  HTML Program        (d)  Flames                                 
The .com indicates website of ------ type of organization.
(a)     Commerce               (b) Complex
          (c)  Company                   (d)  Cargo                                 
ISP stands for.
(a)     Internal service Plan   (b) Internet Service Plan
         (c)  Intyergal Sercie Plan    (d)  None of these                 
----- are programs that provide access to web resources.
(a)  Browsers                   (b) Search Engines
         (c)  Programs                   (d)  All of these                       
Which is a web search engine used world wide.
(a)  Domains                   (b) Google
        (c)  Toggle                  (d)  All of these                       
Dicussion on the internet about specific is known as
(a)     News                        (b) News Group
         (c)  Veronica                   (d)  Telnet                            
Full From of URL
(a)     Universal Resource Locator (b) Uniform Resource Locator
          (c)  Uni Resource Locator            (d)  None of these  
--- are the special programs written in java.
(a)     Java programs          (b) Applets
          (c)  Projects                       (d)  None of these                 
FTP Stands For.
(a)     Field Transfer Project (b) File Transfer Project
          (c)  File Transfer Protocol  (d)  None of these             

1- b
3- b
4- a
5- a
7- a
8- b
9- a
10- b
11- a
12- a
13- c
14- b
15- b
16- a
17- b
18- a
19- d
21- b
23- a
24- b
25- c

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